Dear ceramic community, ceramic artists and students majoring in artistic ceramics! We invite you to participate in the exhibition-competition of ceramic panel themed as “The Future of Ukraine”, which will be held on September 11, 2024 in the gallery of the Mykhailo Boichuk Kyiv State Academy of Decorative- Applied Arts and Design.

Once again, Ukraine is forced to fight with its mad northern neighbor. War destroys our lives, our cities, our homes, our families. Ukrainians are scattered around the world. Nowadays, during the war, every Ukrainian fight on their own frontline: and not only in the military, volunteer, humanitarian or informational fronts, but also the artistic one. Artists cannot stand aside, he transmit everything they see through the lens of their works. It is culture and art through films, poetry, concerts, art exhibitions that help people from all over the world to understand better  what is happening – the struggle for freedom and independence of the homeland. War is always about destruction, and art is always a powerful source of rebirth. Besides reflecting and reinterpreting the reality of their time, artists have always shaped future meanings of life. We all have no doubt that Ukraine will win and offer to jointly envision the future after victory.

We will be very grateful if your ceramic panel will be based on the Reinterpretation and analysis of the creative heritage and artistic achievements of Mykhailo Boichuk and his students.

The ceramic panel limits the artist’s work exclusively to the surface, but has an almost unlimited stock of artistic tools: relief, structure, textures, engraving, painting, etc. It is a kind of a “canva” for a ceramist, but with much greater possibilities than a “canva” for a painter.

In order to make it more interesting for everyone to work, the Mykhailo Boichuk Kyiv State Academy of Decorative- Applied Arts and Design announces an INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION for the best ceramic panel themed as “The Future of Ukraine”. An exhibition will be formed from the ceramic panel selected by a competent jury. In addition to the main awards (1st prize, 2nd prize, 3rd prize, and incentive prizes), each competition participant will receive a diploma with participant’s name on it and an electronic catalog.

The purpose of the project: With the help of the expressive means of artistic ceramics, visualize the Victory of Ukraine and our future afterward. Demonstrate contemporary artists’ approaches to interpreting this theme through ceramic panel; discover new talents and foster creative dialogue among artists of different generations and from different countries.



1.1. Ceramists and students of art educational institutions are invited to take part in the contest.

1.2. Each author can submit up to 3 works for the consideration of a professional jury.

1.3. The contest will be held  according to the following programme:

  • 06. 2024 25. 07. 2024 – submissions of applications and photos of a ceramic panel
  • 2 07. 202405. 08. 2024 – preliminary selection of works for the contest
  • 05. 08. 2024 – 10.08. 2024 – informing the authors about participation.
  • 10. 08. 202406. 09. 2024 – reception of works for the exposition.
  • 09. 09. 2024 – jury’s work in determining the winners and runners-up.
  • 1 09 2024– exhibition of works
    • Artists wishing to participate in the contest have to submit the organizers (Mykhailo Boichuk Kyiv State Academy of Decorative-Applied Arts and Design) a filled-out application form (according to the form given in Appendix 1) and a photo of each work (photo format jpg, up to 1 MB., with a resolution of at least 300dpi.) until 25. 07. 202 The application must be submitted electronically in Word format by e-mail:

In addition to the application in the same text file, please fill out a passport for each work (Appendix 2). Files from photo works are numbered and signed (surname of the author, title of the work). The number and name of the files must match the data in the passports of works.

Submission of an application does not mean that its author has been admitted to the contest, but only indicates his intentions. Applications and other materials which will be sent after 25. 07. 2024, will neither be considered nor returned.

1.5. The materials submitted for the preliminary selection will be considered by the JURY by 10. 08. 2024. Therefore, the participants will be informed about works selected for the contest and will receive an official invitation.

1.6. Works must be brought in person or sent by mail (postal carriers) to the address of Mykhailo Boichuk Kyiv State Academy of Decorative-Applied Arts and Design : 32 Mykhailo Boichuk Str., Kyiv, 01103, Ukraine.

[Curator – Volodymyr Khyzhynskii, information by phone + 38 (099) 0250399 and by e-mail:].

1.7. Works selected by the jury for the competition are accepted for exhibition until 06. 09. 2024. Works are accepted by prior agreement. Artists need to pay special attention to the significant risk of postal shipments and the need for very careful packaging of works with “Caution!”, “Glass!” label etc. Works are recommended to be sent by courier or delivered in person. Payment of transportation, travel and postal expenses – at the expense of the authors.

1.8. The owners of the works sent to the competition are fully responsible for their authenticity, compliance with the conditions of the competition and the absence of any falsifications.

1.9. The participant must give the organizers, together with the application, written consent to the processing of his personal data, including the use of photo of works submitted for consideration by the members of the JURY and works selected for participation in the competition, in printed and electronic publications, on websites and in the videos of the Mykhailo Boichuk Kyiv State Academy of Decorative-Applied Arts and Design. The organizers guarantee the protection of the personal data provided by the Participant against their transfer to third parties, except in cases of their public availability through printed and electronic publications, websites, video stories, etc. (at the end of the participant’s application, Appendix 1)



  • The ceramic panel must correspond to the theme of the contest and demonstrate author’s original view on the given theme in the context of modern artistic ceramics.
  • The ceramic panel must be square in size 30×30 cm, up to 5 cm thick, and MUST HAVE THROUGH HOLES IN FOUR CORNERS for installation. (Appendix 3)
  • The panel must be made exclusively of clay (clay, grog, faience or porcelain forming materials).
  • Any ceramic techniques of formation and decoration are possible (using engobe, underglaze and over-glaze decoration, glazes, enamels, etc.).
  • The ceramic panel must be fired at the maximum temperature characteristic of the manufacturing material and signed on the back with the author’s
  • For each submitted work, there must be an appropriate passport, in which it is necessary to indicate: first name and surname of the author (authors), title of the work, manufacturing technique, etc. (a sample passport of a ceramic work is provided in Appendix 2).
  • The following works are not allowed to participate in the competition:
  • not made of clay (gypsum, plasticine, plastic mass, etc.);
  • unfired;
  • decorated with painting paints (watercolor, gouache, tempera, acrylic, oil, etc.);
  • damaged (crushed, cracked, glued, restored, etc.);
  • without properly issued passports of exhibition works and the questionnaire of the author(s).
  • without mounting holes.



3.1. Works submitted to the contest are pre-selected for participation by the jury.

3.2. Jury members can participate, but only out of competition.

3.3. During the process of evaluating the works, information about the participants will be closed.

3.4. The jury is to determine the winners on – 11.09.2024. The meeting of the jury is closed, the decision is made by an open vote. The decision is final and cannot be reviewed.


3.5 Awards:

The first prize is UAH 10,000.

The second prize is UAH 5,000.

2 third prizes – UAH 3,000 each.

Other personal awards of the co-organizers of the contest.

All the winners receive appropriate certificates of laureates of the contest.

All the entrants selected to participate in the contest receive appropriate certificates of participation.