Mykhailo Boychuk Kyiv State Academy of Decorative Applied Arts and Design
invites you to take part in the III International Scientific and Practical Conference
The conference will take place on October 30, 2024.
at the Mykhailo Boychuk Kyiv State Academy of Decorative Applied Arts and Design
(Mykhailo Boychuk St., 32)
The work of two sections is envisaged:
PLENARY SESSION. Mykhailo Boychuk and his school in Ukrainian and world culture.
Section 1. Art education in line with the challenges of today.
Section 2. Contemporary Visual Art in Socio-Cultural Space.
The conference is expected to be held in a mixed format using the ZOOM platform.
The program of the conference will be available on the official website of the Mykhailo Boychuk Kyiv State Academy of Decorative Applied Arts and Design ( ).
The materials of the conference, designed in accordance with the following requirements, will be published in the collection of scientific papers of the conference.
Participation in the conference is free of charge.
To participate in the conference, you need to fill out the online form and upload a file with abstracts in the specified section:
The deadline for registration and submission of abstracts is October 20, 2024.
Khyzhynskyi Volodymyr Viktorovych tel.: +38 (099) 025 03 99;
Olga Sosik tel.: +38 (097) 145 18 03.
Time limits: report – up to 15 min., speech in the discussion – up to 3 min.
Working languages – Ukrainian, Polish, English.
Requirements for abstracts:
- The volume of the text – 1-2 pages.
- Line spacing – 5;
- Font – Times New Roman, 14 pt;
- Margins – all 2 cm;
- Alignment – in width;
- The indent of the first line is 1.25 cm;
- Pages are not numbered.
Abstracts are submitted in the form of an MS WORD document with the extension * .doc.
File name – author’s surname in Latin: Galchynska.doc
Structure of the abstract of the report:
Name and surname of the author (co-authors);
scientific degree, academic title;
place of work (in full);
(uppercase, center aligned)
Abstract (abstract in English up to 500 characters without spaces).
Keywords (3-5).
Main text of the abstract (up to 2 pages).
Literature (up to 7 items).
References to sources are given in square brackets, for example [10].
Pages are separated by a comma and the letter “p.” [3, p. 35].
Illustrations are placed in the text with numbered captions:
Rice. 1. Author. Title of the illustration. Year.
An example of literature:
Galchynska O. S. et al. Color in the design of educational materials for children 3–6 years old. Ukrainian Art Criticism Discourse. 2023. Issue. 4, pp. 11–21.
Nietzsche F. Merry Science. Kharkiv: Folio, 2020. 284 p.
Theses of the conference:
Sosyk, O. D. A Few Strokes to the Attribution of Wilhelm Kotarbiński’s Works. Cultural and Artistic Studies of the XXI Century: Scientific and Practical Partnership. symposium dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the NAKKKiM. (m. Kyiv, June 6, 2019). Kyiv: NAKKKiM, 2019. pp. 266–268.
Shkolna O. V. Creativity and Artistic and Pedagogical Activities of Mykhailo Zhuk in the Context of the Formation of the Ukrainian School of Porcelain (the First Half of the XX Century): Dis… Dr. Art History: 17.00.06. Lviv, 2007. 257 p.
The authors of publications are responsible for the accuracy of facts, quotes, proper names and other information.
The opinion of the editorial board does not always coincide with the opinion of the authors of the articles.
The organizing committee of the conference will facilitate accommodation in the dormitory rooms. Places will be booked after confirmation of face-to-face participation and the need for accommodation. All expenses are at the expense of the organizations that provide business trips, or at the expense of the participants.
If you have any questions, please contact the organizing committee by e-mail: