
On 25 March 2024, Russian forces bombed the Mykhailo Boichuk Kyiv State Academy of Decorative Applied Arts and Design. This attack serves as a stark reminder of the targeted destruction of Ukrainian art and cultural institutions amidst the ongoing war on Ukraine. The bombardment not only caused structural devastation to the campus buildings but also put the safety of students and employees within the academy at risk. Reports indicate severe damage to the school’s gym, painting studios, conference hall, and other facilities.

ELIA unequivocally condemns this assault by Russian forces. Our thoughts go out to the artists, students, academics of the Mykhailo Boichuk Kyiv State Academy of Decorative Applied Arts and Design, as well as all those affected and dealing with the aftermath.

ELIA stands in solidarity with all art schools and academies in Ukraine and the wider arts community who are facing immense uncertainty and danger at this time. We are deeply concerned that our UAx project partners in Ukraine have been living and working under the threat of constant shelling for more than two years. ELIA will continue to support these art academies and arts universities as we help strengthen network links and collaboration opportunities between our member institutions.

We recognise that despite the threat of attack, thousands of members of Ukraine’s cultural and creative industries continue to create art in the face of war. ELIA stands with them and their steadfast commitment to artistic expression, reflection, and creation rather than mindless destruction.

Photographer: Myroslav Vayda, Painter and Teacher at the Boichuk Kyiv State Academy of Decorative and Applied Arts and Design